Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Bartlett: ”The greatest shortcoming of our human race is our inability to understand the exponential function”

In times of constant calls for more growth, this video gives a healthy perspective.

”The greatest shortcoming of our human race is our inability to understand the exponential function”

It can be applied to economic growth, population, profits and whatever you like.
The professor has also said :
"'Smart growth' destroys the environment. 'Dumb growth' destroys the environment. The only difference is that 'smart growth' does it with good taste. It's like booking passage on the Titanic. Whether you go first-class or steerage, the result is the same."


  1. I would like the 7% growth factor to be applied to the sales (and thereby profits) of my new food preservation dvd Preserving with Friends. Of course that might remove my need to preserve my own tomatoes but never, no never, the inclination.

  2. Well you'd better put in a link to where folks can buy it then...
