(NOTE; this is not an analysis of the US New Green Deal, it is about the "green growth" narrative with the European Green Deal as the point of departure.)
The European Green
Deal is a ”growth strategy that aims to transform the EU into a fair and
prosperous society, with a modern, resource-efficient and competitive economy
where there are no net emissions of greenhouse gases in 2050 and where economic
growth is decoupled from resource use.”
There are reasons to discuss if the vision of the European
Green Deal is desirable: why should it be a goal to be “competitive” or
”modern”? But let’s buy into the narrative and ask: is the vision possible? Is ”green
growth” as expressed in the Green Deal or the Sustainable Development Goals even
John George Brown (1831-1913), painterunidentified engraver / Public domain
In a recent paper
in New Political Economy, Jason Hickel and Giorgios Kallis do a good job in
illuminating many of the discussions and concepts involved in the Green Growth
debate. Their overall conclusion is that ”green growth theory – in terms of
resource use – lacks empirical support”.
They note three caveats of their own conclusions. First, it is possible
that ”it is reasonable to expect that green growth could be accomplished at
very low GDP growth rates, i.e. less than 1 per cent per year”. Second,
conclusions are based on the existing relationship between GDP and material
throughput, but one might argue that it is theoretically possible to break the
existing relationship between GDP and material throughput altogether. Third,
the aggregate material footprint indicator obscures the possibility of shifting
from high-impact resources to low-impact resources. Meanwhile, Hickel and
Kallis also point out that material footprints needs to be scaled down
significantly from present levels; to be truly green, green growth requires not
just any degree of absolute decoupling, but rapid absolute decoupling.
In this article, I want to get closer to the ground and
discuss the various concepts which are normally associated with green growth. But
first let’s clear some definitions.
When I write about “economic growth” I mean that which is
measured by the GDP. It is important to understand that the GDP is not a
measure of development or quality. If a company makes better products this is
not reflected in the GDP; that my computer is (at least) 100 times more
powerful than the computer I had 20 years ago has no impact on the GDP as long
as the price is the same (the impact on the GDP, if any, comes from any
increase in my productivity rather than from the price of the computer).
“Development” is also not necessarily a result of economic growth. The world
can become a better or worse place to live in with economic growth and it can
be a better or worse place to live in without economic growth.
The Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
GDP is the total market
value of the goods and services produced within a defined economy in a year. A
more elaborated definition is that:
GDP = Consumer spending +
Investments + Government spending + Export - Imports
This calculation of the GDP
is the expenditure method. One can
also calculate the GDP as the sum of the added value of all formal market based
economic activities (the output method)
or as the sum of income (the income
method). In theory, all three measures should give the same result. The
added value of an economic activity is the sales price minus the inputs in the
production. If you make potato chips, the added value is the price minus the
cost of the potatoes, the oil, salt packaging, electricity etc. Profit,
depreciation and labor cost are part of the added value.
The work people do at home,
e.g. cooking, cleaning, child care or growing potatoes for own consumption is
not included in the GDP. Pro bono work, volunteerism or household sales of used
products are also not included. Financial profits, e.g. sales of shares or real
estate are not part of the GDP, but the fee of agents and others involved in
the process will contribute to the GDP. Gifts, taxes or government subsidies
and similar transactions are not part of the GDP as they do not create any new value, but are essentially transfers
between various actors.
See more e.g. on Economics
“Green” in the context of green growth mostly refer to less
use of natural resources and less pollution. Pollution is hard to measure and
it is especially hard to make any kind of composite measurement for it, as we
are talking about 350,000
chemical compounds released in modern human civilization. Therefore, the use of materials is more commonly the
indicator used to measure the resource intensity of the economy. Domestic
material consumption (DMC) is used by the European Union while others prefer
the concept of material footprint. The DMC reports the actual amount of
material in an economy while the material footprint measure the amount required
across the whole supply chain to service final demand. A country can, for
instance have a very high DMC because it has a large primary production sector
for export or a very low DMC because it has outsourced most of the material
intensive industrial process to other countries. The material footprint
corrects for both phenomena.
Apart from an empirical approach to the green growth debate,
one can have a theoretical approach. I believe there are theoretical reasons
for why green growth actually is impossible, at least in a capitalist market
economy. I have written
about it earlier and plan to come back to the issue soon again. There is
also a middle way to approach the issues and that is to look at what the
various concepts and ideas that dominate the green growth agenda will lead to. How
will they impact resource use as well as the factors which make up the GDP,
i.e. market price, consumed and produced volumes, investments etc? It is only
if a concept simultaneously delivers economic growth and lower absolute resource
use that it can be considered as a part of a green growth strategy.
Services as green engines for growth
The value
added in services is big and in most developed economies its share of the economic
value added is two thirds or more. Services do, however, use more resources than
most people believe. The travel industry is a very good examples where air
travel, hotels and cruise ships all are much more resource demanding than many
industries. Other services are actually a direct part of industrial production,
mining, forestry or farming. In most industries big chunks of the work have
been outsourced to service contractors. When a job is done within a
manufacturing firm it is seen as part of manufacturing, but when the same job
is bought in externally (i.e. outsourced) it is classified as services. Finally,
a big portion of services is trade and distribution and their link to resource
use is quite obvious as it is the huge flow of goods that necessitates all
those services. After all, it is only because Walmart, Carrefour or Amazon sell
a lot of stuff that they can employ a lot of people.
services, such as household cleaning, hairdressing or massage, constitute a very
small share of services. It is apparent that such services are dependent on
wage inequality as it is basically impossible for most of those who provide
personal services to buy personal services themselves. In relation to growth,
personal services contributes very little to
economic growth and it is quite easy to realize that there will be no
growth in an economy made up of personal services.
One can
therefore not claim that services in general are less resource demanding than
manufacturing. There is also no relationship between a country’s material
footprint and the share of services in the GDP. Services constitute 77 percent
of the GDP of the USA and 66 percent of the GDP of Sweden, while the material
footprint of the American economy per capita is considerably bigger. In China, services doubled their
share in the economy from 1970 to 2013 while its resource use per capita
increased nine times.
Reuse, recycle, longer lasting
product and circular economy
While a
circular economy certainly is commendable, it is very hard to see how it could
contribute to economic growth.
If a
household sell used products to other households there is no economic growth,
and there is no value added, money and goods just change hands. The household
selling will perhaps use the money to buy new stuff and the household buying
may perhaps use the money “saved” by buying something cheaply to buy other
things as well. That may drive growth, but it equally drives resource use. It
works quite similarly with longer lasting products. For GDP growth it is
negative that consumer products last long. Meanwhile, the money saved will lead
to more consumption so the overall effect on resource is neutral at best.
If recycling
of materials in the industry is easy and cheap it will reduce the cost of
production and if competition works as it should it will also reduce the price
and the effect on GDP will be none. The main effect is that consumers get more
cash to use for other consumption, which can grow GDP as well as resource use.
Meanwhile, the company producing virgin raw materials will close or reduce its
production and lay off people, which reduces the GDP unless they get a new job
in which they will use other resources. If recycling is complicated and costly,
things will play out differently, but also in this case it is likely to either
be neutral or negative for economic growth.
A circular
economy is needed and desirable and it can surely be profitable for certain
economic agents. But there are neither convincing theories nor examples showing
how it also can generate or sustain economic growth. Notably, the economy
before the industrial revolution and global capitalism was mostly circular and
mostly stagnating. It was (linear) resource use, such as mining and colonialism
that gave the impetus for growth.
The sharing economy
There is
rapid growth in the sharing economy segment. But that rapid growth sis no
indicator of that a sharing economy supports economic growth across the economy.
If 100 persons refrain from buying a car/an electric drill/a sailboat and
instead share it with 10 others, hopefully, the same needs have been fulfilled,
but clearly the GDP will be reduced and less people will manufacture these
items. It is most likely that they will get new jobs in the production of something
else which will both contribute to the GDP – and use more resources. Also from
the consumer side the effect is likely the same. People sharing stuff will have
more money left to consume more stuff (resources).
Increased efficiency
The impact
of improved resource efficiency is a much discussed theme in the center of the
debate on green growth. It is closely linked to discussions on rebound and Jevon’s
paradox. In a
working market economy, improved resource efficiency will inevitably lead to
lower prices. This will lead to
increased consumption of the goods in question or increased consumption of
something else, often a combination of both. If people increase consumption
linearly, i.e. their spending is direct proportional to the increased
efficiency, there will be no saving in resources and if labor productivity
remains the same, more people are needed to produce the same value, hardly a
recipe for economic growth. If consumption remains the same, people will have
more money to spend on other things, i.e. other industries will grow and with
that both the GDP and the resources used will grow.
labor productivity works a bit differently. Also in this case, prices will
fall. If consumption increases the resource use will also increase at the same
rate and there is growth but no green growth. If the consumption remains the
same labor will be redundant, but this also mean that unless they will be long
term unemployed they will engage or be engaged in other economic, and resource
demanding activities. As a matter of fact, improved labor productivity (as a
result of various factors but mostly with use of energy and technology of many
kinds) is the primary driver of economic growth. But the mechanism is not that
which most people believe. To produce more with the same effort and costs
doesn’t create growth per se. It is actually the opposite as the firm’s
contribution to the GDP is the value added in the production, and the added
value per unit of production falls when labor cost per unit falls. In rare
cases, in new industries, improved labor productivity doesn’t lead to falling
prices but to higher profits for the firm. This will create growth. The effect on resource use is uncertain, but
most likely the profits will be invested in new production, used for increased
consumption of goods or taken by the government as tax. In all three cases
resource use will also increase.
The main mechanism
by which improved labor productivity creates growth is that labor is freed up
for other remunerative activities. Agriculture provides an excellent example of
this. Nowadays, in most developed countries only a couple percent of the labor
force is engaged in farming, compared to more than 70 % some 100 years ago. Measured as yield per hectare (area
use efficiency) farming has increased productivity with a factor of 2-5.
Meanwhile labor productivity has increased with a factor of 100, or even much
more. Despite this enormous productivity, the
contribution to the GDP (i.e. the value added) from farming has remained more
or less the same for a long period as prices have dropped. But all those people
who earlier toiled in the fields have been employed in other industries, many
of which didn’t even exist hundred years ago.
Because of the rapid increase in digital services and the
abnormal valuations of some tech companies, one could be (mis)led to believe
that they contribute much to the DGP. But if we talk about the services
oriented to consumers that is normally not the case. Those services are
normally just an interface between producers and consumers, quite similar to
the work of agents or shops. That kind of digitalization save few resources.
The main effect is that prices fall as a result of increased price competition,
and consumption (resource use) increases. Another form of digitalization is
dematerialization, e.g. audiobook instead of a printed book or streamed music
instead of CDs. I guess that these services do reduce resource use (although
some figures show that streaming takes a huge share of the world’s
electricity). But these services also reduce the value considerably. The value
of the music industry is now one third of what it was just 20 years ago,
despite rapid increase in population. By
definition, this doesn’t contribute to the GDP.
Digitalization within industries has the main effect of
saving work and is thus just another version of labor rationalization, which I
discussed above.
Investment in green
This part of the green package is hardest to asses. Clearly
there are possibilities to replace some use of fossil fuels with solar panels
or shift air traffic to high speed trains. As investments are part of the GDP
they will increase the GDP in the short term. They will, however, also considerablyincrease resource use as investment in new infrastructure is among the mostresource demanding economic activities (think cement and steel industries).
Their long-term net effect on resource use is quite uncertain.
Summing up
Neither empirical evidence not the application of green
technologies or practices discussed in this article support that economic
growth can be combined with reduced resource demands. It is therefore
irresponsible of institutions like the European Union, United Nations and the
World Bank to promote green growth as a pathway for humanity. What is even more
disturbing is that the same institutions claim that that economic growth is needed in order to reduce resource
consumption and reach other environmental goals.
One can of course argue that the use of the GDP as an
indicator is a problem in itself. Many have suggested other sets of indicators
or indexes to measure human development (HDI, GPI) etc. I also believe that the
GDP is quite inappropriate as a measure for human development. However, as a measurement of the activities within a
market economy, the GDP is highly relevant as it measures exactly what the
market economy is all about. Any critique against the prominence of the GDP
must therefore also extend to a critique of the market economy. It is the
market economy that drives growth and not the GDP. But this is the topic of a
coming article.