Friday, January 28, 2011

Sowing the seeds

Raised bed of typical Gako design, and a tyre garden

I have been on a mission for IFOAM to Burundi, Rwanda and Tanzania, and seen many interesting things and met a lot of good people. I uploaded some pictures that you can look at.

One of the places that impress me is the Gako organic farming training centre in Rwanda. I have visited it before, in 2007 and the manager, Richard Francis Munyerango (to the right in the picture above), participated in a Grolink training afterwards. The place is so impressive from many sides. It has trained some 60,000 people in organic farming in ten years, including a lot of demobilized soldiers. It has also trained a lot of women groups (read more). It is also very well maintained, the gardens are a pure delight. Slowly by slowly the place is expanding with new buildings, a shop, more land etc. Richard seems to be a very skilled manager as well and his business model has proven to work. The centre is financed through the "selling" of courses to organization and is thus not dependent on core funding for its existance. If there were more places like this.

Patricia Wangong'u checking the pineapples

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