In the peak-oil/end of
growth community there is a general agreement that we have seen the end of
“this civilization”, and my post here is about the scenario ahead if you have
already accepted the premise that the current growth and expansion can’t
possibly continue. I am aware of that there is another camp among
environmentalists that believe we can still steer clear with a mix of good
policies and good innovation and that the “progress” can continue, perhaps not
with a rapid economic growth, but with maintained material wealth and a society
largely built on the same fundaments as this one. I think of people like Amory
and Hunter Lovins, Paul Hawken, Jonathon Porrit and Tim Jackson. Anyway this
post is not about their vision and whether it is plausible or not.
This is about what
will happen when energy get more scarce and expensive and growth ends. Period.
A situation which may not be very far ahead, or perhaps we are already there.
Jason Heppenstall summarizes
the debate as:
"In the fast-collapse camp are the likes of Dmitry Orlov (who bases his assessment on his experience of seeing the USSR implode) and Ugo Bardi, who expects a ‘Seneca’s Cliff’ dropoff... By comparison, the likes of John Michael Greer reckon we are in for a drawn-out era of terminal decline punctuated by serious crises which, at the time, will seem rather severe to all involved but which will give way to plateaux of relative stability, albeit at a lower level of energy throughput."
"In the fast-collapse camp are the likes of Dmitry Orlov (who bases his assessment on his experience of seeing the USSR implode) and Ugo Bardi, who expects a ‘Seneca’s Cliff’ dropoff... By comparison, the likes of John Michael Greer reckon we are in for a drawn-out era of terminal decline punctuated by serious crises which, at the time, will seem rather severe to all involved but which will give way to plateaux of relative stability, albeit at a lower level of energy throughput."
As a matter of fact the difference can to
some extent be semantic. What is “rapid” and what is “slow” in the perspective
of civilizations? As Ugo Bardi writes:
“Actually, the two camps may not be in
such a radical disagreement with each other as they are described. The idea of
the fast (or Seneca-like) collapse does not necessarily mean that collapse will
be continuous or smooth.“
I agree with Ugo Bardi in that. I just
finished reading John Michael Greer’s book Wealth of Nature (a review
will soon be forthcoming) and I note that despite him being a champion for a
long descent view (he even wrote the book with that title), he writes ”a decade from now, let’s say, when half the
American workforce has no steady work, decaying suburbs have mutated into squalid
shantytowns and domestic insurgencies flare across the south and the mountain
west...” For me that is hardly an example of a ”long descent”, but rather a
rather rapid collapse.
I think it is an interesting discussion, but
it is also rather one-dimensional.
The question is also collapse of what? from
whose perspective? How “deep” will the collapse be? Can we actually manage the
descent or collapse as most of the authors still think? Bill McKibben says in Eearth:
that we might choose instead to manage our descent. That we might aim for a “relatively
graceful decline”. And of course, what will come after? I will leave that last
one for this time, but clearly. “what comes after” is also influenced a lot by
the answers of the other questions, in the same way as our analysis of how the
collapse will unfold is dependent on our view of which are the drivers of the
collapse and how do they work.
Most collapse theories or scenarios
(reasonably) take their starting point in other known collapses, such as the
Mayan or Roman civilizations and for Orlov, even the collapse of the Soviet Union. The Roman case is the most widely use. I
don’t think I have anything in particular to add to the scenarios I read as
But the question I find mostly unanswered
is how were normal people affected by the collapse in Rome but even more in the outskirts of the
Empire? Despite the grandness of the city Rome,
only a few percent of the Empire’s population was in Rome proper. What happened with the slaves?
How was it for the people who were never conquered by the Romans? Did the
relative development of my “ancestors” the Vikings benefit from the decline of
the Roman Empire (I know they are often seen
as thugs...)? Did the decline of Rome
make way for the Arab Golden Age?
Population is a rather good proxy for the
general situation. Population statistics for Europe
indicate that the dip was really very big, with populations declining from some
67 million in year 200 to only 27 million year 700. Some attribute most of this
to the Justianic Plague (AD 541–542, one of the worst plagues of history)
though. But how do we know that the plague was not an offshoot of societal
collapse one way or the other?
Maddison’s long datasets of GDP shows that Europe’s GDP year 1000 was more
or less the same as year 0, meaning that there would have been no economic
growth in thousand years. But actually, as the population still hadn’t
recovered, per capita GDP in Europe was
considerably higher year 1000 than year 0. Also, neither India nor China had any economic growth
during the same period.
Don’t misunderstand me, I don’t question
that there was a collapse, or as explained by the Belgien historian Pirenne
“If we
consider that in the Carolingian epoch, the minting of gold had ceased, the
lending of money at interest was prohibited, there was no longer a class of
professional merchants, that Oriental products (papyrus, spices and silk) were
no longer imported, that the circulation of money was reduced to a minimum,
that laymen could neither read or write, that taxes were no longer organised,
and that the towns were merely fortresses, we can say without hesitation that
we are confronted by a civilisation that had retrogressed to the purely
agricultural stage; which no longer needed commerce, credit and regular
exchange for the maintenance of the social fabric.”
But even if this was true, was it worse for
the 80%-90% of the population active in farming? Was their life more miserable?
It is reasonable to assume that inequality was less in the societies coming
after the Roman society, for no other reason than that the remaining powers
were small and certainly not able to extract a lot of wealth from the peasants.
And if we believe Maddison’s GDP figures there must be something more then
Pirenne’s story.
And who will be hurt by a collapse today?
After all, a
credit meltdown could seem like Armageddon to a Hong Kong banker, but would
barely even register as news to someone living a sustainable life on
an island in Greece.
Conversely freaky weather caused by climate change could destroy the Greek
islander’s livelihood, but the banker, unaware of the natural elements outside
his air-conditioned trading floor, would not even notice.
writes Jason Heppenstal. Will a collapse of
global trade mean that African farmers will starve as nobody will buy their
coffee, or will they actually be better off (and shift crops) as a result of
increasing crop prices when cheap grain from the US – produced with fossil fuel
– is no longer flooding the world market?
How deep will the collapse/descent be? And
can we chose what we want to keep? Bill McKibben writes in Eearth:
“we’ll need to figure out what parts of our lives and our ideologies that we
have to abandon so that we can protect the core of our societies and
civilizations”. And Richard Heinberg asks in End
of Growth: “Can we surrender cars, highways, and supermarkets, but still
keep cultural exchange, tolerance, and diversity, healthcare, and instant
access to information?”
Many see mostly good things with the
transition that will come, the transition that has to come regardless of
whether we want it or not. But Bill McKibben is not immune to the advances of
contemporary society and its value.
”... our
national and global project has been about more than accumulation and
expansion, more than cars and factories. It’s also been about liberation – the
slow but reasonably steady progress of valuing more and more people....The
process that made us anonymous to our neighbors carried real benefits not just
The Internet is the savior here; it is both
a global project that knits us together and something that allows restless
globetrotters such as McKibben and myself keep in contact with the rest of the
world without necessarily accruing air miles. Greer doesn’t believe, however, in
that we can chose to keep the internet. It is too energy demanding and requires
too many support services to be efficient in the descent.
”Very few people realize just how extravagant a supply of resources goes
to maintain the information economy.... each one of the big server farms that
keep today’s social websites up and running use as much electricity as a
midsized city.”
The collapse will be deep
according to Greer, and human population is bound to shrink ”as malnutrition
becomes common and public health collapses”. Food production and energy
production are two themes occupying most. A common scenario is that as energy supply declines, the trend toward specialization will be
reversed and so will urbanization. Urbanization depends on surplus agricultural
production from agriculture, which in turn depends on cheap oil. Whether we
like or hate globalization and specialization, we will have to rely more on
local resources and production capacity. “How far we will go towards being
local generalists depends on how we handle the energy transition of the 21st
century,” says Heinberg.
Unfortunately most of the collapse/descent
scenarios are focussed on technologies (can we keep this or that) and less on
institutions and relations. Orlov made a
taxonomy of the collapse, not according to which technologies that are in
place but which institutions and relations that are affected.
Stage 1: Financial collapse. Faith in
“business as usual” is lost.
Stage 2: Commercial collapse. Faith that “the market shall provide” is lost.
Stage 3: Political collapse. Faith that “the government will take care of you” is lost.
Stage 4: Social collapse. Faith that “your people will take care of you” is lost.
Stage 5: Cultural collapse. Faith in “the goodness of humanity” is lost.
Stage 2: Commercial collapse. Faith that “the market shall provide” is lost.
Stage 3: Political collapse. Faith that “the government will take care of you” is lost.
Stage 4: Social collapse. Faith that “your people will take care of you” is lost.
Stage 5: Cultural collapse. Faith in “the goodness of humanity” is lost.
(Admittedly I have not
read Orlov’s books, only his blog, will read and review it though).
I find this an
interesting approach. Whether they have to collapse in this particular order is
another question. Our institutions and relationships are much more interesting for us humans, and mean a lot more for our
well-being than most technologies. After all according to the Global Progress
Indicator 1978 was the
year of global Peak-Wellbeing and the Internet wasn’t up and running then
and only James Bond had a mobile telephone.
A Global Collapse is a hope for the Earth. We can only think to a "wonderful unexpected".